I came across this post a few days ago https://medium.com/@moonstorming/10-things-i-wish-i-knew-on-my-first-day-at-google-107581d87286. It's a great article on working attitude from a person who just celebrated his 5-year at Google. It makes a lot of sense on what you do defines who you are and will be, or in another words, what you will achieve in the future.
It's going to the end of the year in less than 12 hours. This reading came just in time to help me refresh my frame of mind, getting ready for the coming year. Here is my favorite quote from the piece of writing: "1/7 of your life consists of Mondays ...you better work on your Monday attitude".
Check the article out. And happy new year!
Well, this is my first ever try with blogging. And I chose Github Pages and Coleslaw and Mardown! I could have chosen either Blogger or Wordpress, which seem to be easier options for newbie. Okay, I'm a (average) developer and I do want to enrich my web developement skill, also to catch up with the trend of internet and web that is moving at the speed of light.
In the near future, I'll write about my experience building on this blog. Lastly, not to forget the classical:
Hello World!
Happy blogging!